January 13, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
Clallam 2 Fire Rescue Chief Jake Paterson looks back at 2020 and ahead at challenges for the fire department in 2021 – Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Executive Director and Board Member Jim Haguewood talk about a
January 12, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
County Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry Unthank on efforts to fight the pandemic, and answers about the virus and vaccinations
January 8, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
24th District Rep. Mike Chapman of Port Angeles talks about the upcoming legislative session
January 7, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
Nathan West looks back at city accomplishments in 2020 and ahead to issues facing the city in 2021.
January 6, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
Mark Musick discusses his book that claims Howard Hughes did not die in 1976 and hid for another 25 years, supported by the CIA. Business guru Kevin Hoult outlines new federal government stimulus for businesses facing COVID-19
December 30, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
The Celebration of our 75th Year continues.
December 28, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
February 3rd, 1945, KONP Radio flipped the switch and went on the air LIVE! For 75 years, we have been serving the Olympic Peninsula with local news, weather and sports. On this episode of the Todd Ortloff
December 23, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s here! (and HEAR) Christmas Music Day with Amanda “Jingle Bells” Bacon! You asked for different songs and Amanda played as many as she could. Ho Ho Hope you all enjoyed yourself!