Each morning get up to date and get some giggles too
June 1, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Amanda and Beth talk music, BAD drivers, and going bare-foot. Also…spelling 🙂
May 31, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Amanda and Beth SMILE through the morning on this National Smile Day! Plus, Todd makes Amanda have to send up the white flag…
May 26, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Steph and Amanda hold down the fort as Memorial Day Weekend gets under way. We have a shortened show today so that we could bring you the Rough Riders State Championship Game! Go Riders!
May 25, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Amanda and Beth talk Wine, pointless trivia, and Tina Turner. We Love you Tina. Always and forever…you are Simply the Best.
May 24, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Beth and Her Highness Amanda, talk Tiaras, Snails and Tommy Chong. (there’s a sentence that has NEVER been written.) 🙂
May 23, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s national Taffy Day. But we think they mean the candy… Marc, Todd and Steph get sticky with Taffy Talk and get your morning started…
May 22, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s Monday Morning, and we are ALL having so much fun! (well…not EVERYONE).
May 19, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd and Amanda talk about expensive Ice Cream, Government Roads, Pizza, and singing SDRAWKCAB.