Each morning get up to date and get some giggles too
June 19, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Marc and Steph talk about the new Field Arts Building and other things on this Monday!
June 16, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Amanda and John talk about Father’s Day. But, we also answer some of Johns burning questions…
June 15, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Beth and Amanda talk about the most satisfying sounds that you can hear, and how taxes are rude.
June 14, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Beth and Amanda Scramble things up this morning with topics like Father’s Day, Drinking, and the NEW Beatles Song??
June 13, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Marc and John talk sewing machines and the color brown…namely on noses.
June 12, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Marc and John talk Monday’s, Chamber recaps, and Rolling Rinks!
June 9, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, John and Amanda talk about how to save on an expensive wedding, and how to maybe not stress about it.
June 8, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Very best friends John, Todd, and Amanda talk Heroes, Besties, Sharks and Ronald Regan. It’s a full show…