October 24, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Marc and Steph are full of Bologna today! (but really…is it any different than usual?)
October 23, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
How are YOU going to ooze positivity today? Todd, Steph and Marc walk you through that…
October 20, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Johnny B. and Steff-feffany get your morning going with hot topics and a few laughs too.
October 19, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Brown is running late, Amanda’s on the phone…this really IS a Scramble! Thank God for Todd…he keeps everything anchored and flowing smooth on this episode of the Morning Scramble. (P.S. Todd is our life blood EVERY DAY
October 18, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd and Brown talk to the returning Amanda, about her road trip and the cat with the loudest purrrrr. Pictured is Bella…the World Champion of purring 🙂
October 17, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s raining men…wait…nope…it’s just raining! KONP got flooded yesterday…and we know we aren’t the only ones. Todd, John and Steph talk about the crazy weather…and Coolio.
October 16, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Happy Boss’s Day! Today we celebrate those people who loom over us and make sure we are doing our jobs…and sometimes theirs. 🙂 (BUT NOT HERE! WE LOVE OUR BOSSES!!!!!)
October 13, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Steph and Brown talk about Friday the 13th and an interesting ferry tidbit too