Each morning get up to date and get some giggles too
November 3, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Today is National Sandwich Day! I guess since Amanda’s last name is BACON, John and Todd are the pieces of bread in this episode…but like…the GOOD pieces…not the heels. 😉
November 2, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Amanda and Johnny B. play by the rules of the FCC and listen to a song played on PVC, in this episode of the Morning Scramble.
November 1, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
A sleepy Todd, a weepy “Mandy”, and a grumpy Johnny B., make for a funny and unconventional Morning Scramble! (don’t worry…they were all MOSTLY kidding)
October 31, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
All you boys and ghouls need to listen up to the cutest little pumpkins in all the land…Todd, Marc and Steph! It’s a spooktacular show!
October 30, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Steph, Todd and Marc get your morning started with some good news, and some bad news…well…it’s a show that will balance you out.
October 27, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
So, Johnny B. decided that he needed to wear a CLOWN shirt to the studio today. And not just any clown…no no…he wore IT on his shirt. Who hear remembers that Amanda is terrified of clowns? Who
October 26, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Brown and Amanda talk about the AMAZING Pearle and her going to the World Series! They also talk music and mules. It’s a very well rounded show…
October 25, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Did Todd just say a winter ‘swear’ word? Are we getting old? Is that the sound of Amanda squirming in a chair? All these questions will be answered in this episode of the Morning Scramble with