Each morning get up to date and get some giggles too
November 14, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Marc and Steph talk Pickles, blowing up whales, and making sure you buckle up!
November 13, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Marc and Steph talk Football, Boys and Girls Clubs and pets!
November 10, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Happy Birthday to the Marines! God Bless you all…and God Bless ALL of our men and women in uniform! Please take time this weekend to thank our Veterans for all they have given for us!
November 9, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Amanda and Marc talk about the Winter Ice Village, and the WORST cover songs that have been release. Sometimes…songs need to be left alone…we are looking at you Marilyn Manson.
November 8, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd and John have some REAL big feelings about the election last night. Amanda wants to talk about cooking. Who will win? (spoiler alert…we all do ;))
November 7, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Do we get to stay on Standard Time? Only “time” will tell! Todd, Steph and Marc talk early mornings and why we need to eat lunch at 10 AM.
November 3, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Today is National Sandwich Day! I guess since Amanda’s last name is BACON, John and Todd are the pieces of bread in this episode…but like…the GOOD pieces…not the heels. 😉
November 2, 2023
Radio Pacific, Inc
Todd, Amanda and Johnny B. play by the rules of the FCC and listen to a song played on PVC, in this episode of the Morning Scramble.