Each morning get up to date and get some giggles too
October 23, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
Today on the morning Scramble, Stan, Todd and Amanda cover a wide rang of topics including election season (Stan’s favorite time of year), the Seahawks (Amanda actually knew something, and Todd tells us about an online fundraiser
October 22, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
This morning on the Scramble, all three hosts are in an pleasant mood! (Mark it on the calendar people.) Lots of topics discussed this morning like favorite colors, Charlie Brown, hot baby names of 2020 and of
October 21, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
The Scramblers had a very special treat this morning! Steve Burke, the Executive Director of the NEW (and might we ad STUNNING) Shore Aquatic Center, stopped by to let us know that the pool will open THIS
October 20, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
Good Morning Scramblers! Tune in today for all the information you didn’t know you needed to hear. As it turns out, the Dollar General has so much great stuff, even baby bobcats want in on the deals.
October 19, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING! Welcome to Monday! It’s Stan’s daughters birthday! Happy Birthday Brandy! Today the Scramblers talk about what in the wide world of crazy is happening in politics (Stan riffs on Hunter Biden specifically), what activities got
October 16, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
Today on the Scramble, Todd, Stan and Amanda talk about the best places to buy real estate if you want to spot a UFO. Also, food and drink was a huge topic of conversation today, as the
October 15, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
Stranger Things in life is the topic for today’s Morning Scramble. Also, we touch on why being a Narcissist could be the best thing for your mental health. (spoiler alert…it’s mostly a joke) Thank you to Swains
October 14, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
Surprise! It’s a rare day on the Morning Scramble! Stan, Todd AND Amanda are ALL in good moods. Listen in as we mark this amazing day with laughs, groans, and random facts to get you through our