Each morning get up to date and get some giggles too
December 11, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
A recent survey showed that people who wear ugly sweaters are more attractive. If you need me…I’ll be buying out local stores of all the ugly sweaters. More sweaters will make me more sexy right? Todd, Stan
December 10, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
It is the first day of Hanukkah and we would like to wish all our friends “Hanukkah Sameach!” The whole crew is in this morning for the Scramble…Stan, Todd, Steph and Amanda…with lots of topics to cover,
December 9, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s HUMP DAY! Stan, Todd and Amanda at your service with the Wednesday edition of the morning Scramble. Today, we talk about the nations favorite holiday drinks, about the importance of Christmas Card Day, and learn that
December 8, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
The Tuesday edition of the Morning Scramble brings you a little bit of sports talk, a little bit of cuisine (it IS national Brownie Day) and most importantly…we talk about Frosty the Snowman. Listen in as Amanda
December 7, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
Stan is back…and it took him hardly any time at all to let us know how he ‘really’ felt. Oh Stan. Amanda talks about this day in history in 1941. Today is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
December 4, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s Friday! Todd and Amanda finish out a week without Stan talking about “masked” criminals, “sheepish” intruders, and a story that truly “tickled” them both pink! Plus, hear from our show sponsor Swains General Store!
December 3, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s Thursday…which means WE GET STEPHANIE! It’s been a while since Amanda got to tease her favorite lady sidekick…and she seemed pretty happy to be back together. Todd, Amanda and Steph find lots to talk about today,
December 3, 2020
Radio Pacific, Inc
Marc Abshire is back on the show today…but joining us from an undisclosed, remote location. Actually, it’s from the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce offices in Port Angeles. Knowing that Marc was going to be on today,