Each morning get up to date and get some giggles too
May 3, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
This just in…Freckles the Lobster has died. Stan, Todd and Amanda laugh their way through another half hour on the Monday edition of the Morning Scramble. Todd also plays another one of our favorite “Quaren-tunes” by request
April 30, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the man who keeps this station (and all our stations) on the air! We would be lost without you Todd! Stan, Todd and Amanda have some great laughs this morning, as all of them
April 29, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s a big day on the Scramble! When Stan was asked about something having to do with politics…he said he was going to hold his tongue! We marked it on the calendar folks. This never happens. We
April 28, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
The Scramblers cover a lot of ground today! We talk about the new Covid PILL, the ‘jeans’ of an elephant, and how one lucky lady just won a home in Margaritaville! They talk about a lot of
April 27, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
Oh boy…this was a doozy of an episode 🙂
April 26, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s the morning after the Oscars, and Stan is still riding a high from staying up and watching his FAVORITE show! Oh wait…that’s not right. No one on the Scramble watched the Oscars last night, but Amanda
April 21, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s just Todd and Amanda again this morning, and they are up to all sorts of shenanigans. Some real in depth convo is happening…topics like coffee, beer, hydration, vacations, and kindergarten. Honestly…it was a pretty great show
April 19, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s Monday Morning, and the Scramble crew is…well…they are in the studio but not fully awake. Join Todd, Stan and Amanda as they explore politics, sports, and garlic. Also, who will win the “Yes or B.S.” battle