Sometimes Amanda Bacon gets to talk to pretty cool people. These are those stories.
Gary Smith (left) and Darcy Weir have put together a VERY compelling documentary about Crop Circles and their existence. As someone who has never taken much stock in the appearance of Crop Circles, this documentary, as well
I’m not sure how this is my life right now. First Bonnie Tyler, then Tony Orlando, and now, the ONE AND ONLY Dionne Warwick. I was honored to chat with Ms. Warwick about her upcoming Mother’s Day
April 26, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
In case you missed it, the Oscars were on last night. Don’t worry, I didn’t really watch it either, but I DID get to chat with Ryan Jay, one of America’s most popular nationally syndicated film critics.
April 22, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
It’s every parents nightmare, losing a child. For Dianne and Seth Grossman, it became a horrific reality on June, 14th, 2017 when their precious, 12-year old daughter, took her own life. Dianne now speaks out about bullying
April 21, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
Randall Bell, PhD is a socio-economist and the CEO of Landmark Research Group, LLC. His work and research have taken him to all 50 states and all seven continents consulting on major disasters like the World Trade
April 20, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
Nicole Lapin is a money expert and author of the New York Times best sellers, “Rich Bitch” and “Boss Bitch”. She went on to become the youngest anchor ever at CNN and then to claim the same
April 20, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
Yasha Jackson is one of those people in Hollywood that you just KNOW you would be friends with. Her attitude is EVERYTHING and she has got to be one of my favorite people I’ve talked to. Her
April 14, 2021
Radio Pacific, Inc
Mr. Michael Pare is an actor who has had women swooning since the 80’s when he first showed up on TV in The Greatest American Hero. I got to chat with him about his new movie that