Wednesday, September 23 – HUMP DAY!

Well...Stan and Amanda were left without adult supervision today...yet somehow they managed.  Find out what the CDCASC (that would be the Centers for Disease Control AND Stan Comeau) have to say about Halloween.  Also, are you a good wife according to 1939 standards (Amanda realizes she will never be quantified as a good wife), and what do you do when a 'chipmunk' pulls a gun and steals your phone?

Also, do you or someone you know and love qualify for a Habitat for Humanity Home??  Listen to find out how you can apply NOW!

All of this and so much more that you couldn't possibly care about on the Morning Scramble.  Brought to us each and every day by Swains General Store.  And today by our friends at Franks, and Ruddell Auto.