Early this morning, before the Morning Scramble, and before she was even fully awake, Amanda got to interview the legendary Tony Orlando on the phone.  He was so kind to her, and she is such a girl...that this set her off on a crying jag that lasted until right before the show.  Good thing she had Statler and Waldorf (the two old guys from the Muppets) to snap her back to reality.  Lots of laughs ensued and the day carried on as it should.  Lots of fun on today's show...brought to you by Swains General Store in Port Angeles.

Also, thank you to our sponsor Angeles Millwork and Lumber Company as well as Hartnagel Building Supply.

(if you want to hear a sweet and sincere interview...you'll want to tune in to hear the Tony Orlando piece.  He really is the greatest)

lang="en-US"> Tuesday, March 23 – The one where Amanda was emotional… – MyClallamCounty.com
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Tuesday, March 23 – The one where Amanda was emotional…
