An uplifting film for the whole family and based on a true story, NO VACANCY follows a jaded reporter demoted to a rural news bureau who finds her cynicism slowly transformed as she befriends a recovering addict and writes about a church struggling to purchase a motel for homeless families.

Starring Sean Young T.C. Stallings and Dean Cain

Internationally acclaimed star of Screen, Television and Stage Sean Young has starred in over three dozen feature films, including such box office hits as "BLADE RUNNER", "NO WAY OUT", "ACE VENTURA PET DETECTIVE", "COUSINS", "WALL STREET" and "DUNE".

Young was born as Mary Young in Louisville, Kentucky November 20, 1959, the daughter of Lee Guthrie, a screenwriter, public relations executive, and journalist, and Donald Young, a television news producer and journalist. She attended Cleveland Heights High School in Cleveland Heights, Ohio and then transferred to and graduated from Interlochen Arts Academy in Interlochen, Michigan.

Here is my interview with the iconic, Sean Young

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Ms. Sean Young – Actress
