Mr. Chris Matthews – TV Anchor – Author – Political Pundit

When you say the name Chris Matthews, there are two different reactions that you get.  Either people like him…or they don’t.  He was a well-known political pundit for YEARS with his hit show Hardball.  But did you know that he worked in the White House and ran for Congress prior to that?  Or that he was at the Berlin Wall coming Down?  Or that he hitchhiked through Africa?  In his new book, “This Country:  My Life in Politics and History”, Mr. Matthews talks about learning from history, from life (sometimes the hard way) as it takes place around you. On a personal note, Chris Matthews was a delight to talk to.  He was not at all his brash self that made him a success on MSNBC.  He was charming, insightful and encouraging.  Here is my interview with the one and only, Mr. Chris Matthews.