I first fell in love with Alan Cumming when I saw him play Night Crawler in X-Men. He was terrifying and gentle at the same time. He showed darkness and light in the same body. After reading his new book, “Baggage”, I think that what he really was in that movie…was Alan. A lot of people know Alan for his roles in Cabaret, Spy Kids, The Good Wife, Web Therapy, or any of the other one hundred and forty or so acting credits he has to his name. The man can do Shakespeare, and comedy. Alan is brilliant. Like I said, his new book Baggage tells the story of a man who has been through hell and back, and yet, perseveres. Even though he has survived and thrived through it all, he is still not ‘fixed’, as he puts it. He still has his bad days. He still gets sad. He is human…like all of us…and he wants YOU to know…it’s ok to not be ok. I don’t want you to think that the book is some sort of tragic telling of a sad clown…it’s actually a hilarious look into the things that have shaped him into the man he is today.
At the beginning of the interview, you’ll hear a brief interruption from his dog…I left that in because it just shows…once again…that we are all just people living on this earth. It’s just that in his case…it’s a bit more fabulous than most. Here is my interview with the sexy, the charming, the brilliantly funny…Mr. Alan Cumming. *swoon