
PORT ANGELES – A Port Angeles man was jailed after police responded to a number of disturbances yesterday.

43-year-old Michael R Williams of Port Angeles was arrested for assault, robbery and drug charges.

Police were called about 4:45 yesterday afternoon to a series of disturbances in the areas of the 100-200 block of west First Street. They say they saw Williams aggressively throwing punches at another man, landing a number of them.  Williams was ordered to the ground with threat of a TASER from police. Police say he didn’t fully comply and yelled for officers to shoot him in the head.

The police investigation revealed Williams had entered the victim’s truck while the victim was in a local restaurant. The victim observed this and went to his truck, opening the door and finding Williams attempting to start the truck. The victim tried to get Williams out of his truck verbally. When that did not work, the citizen attempted to pull Williams from the truck. Williams then came out of the truck throwing punches.

Further investigation revealed that Williams was also the cause of the original disturbances on First Street. In one of those incidents, Williams is accused of following a 17-year-old female into a building on First Street. Williams then allegedly continued following the female into the women’s restroom and confronted her, placing her in fear of imminent harm. Williams was booked in that case for Assault 4 with Sexual Motivation.