
PORT ANGELES — A fast-spreading brush fire caused some tense moments for neighbors in west Port Angeles.

The fire burned in a field near the 1700 Block of W. 14th Street. The initial report of smoke at 6:20 pm quickly escalated as flames, driven by wind, threatening nearby structures.

The Port Angeles Fire called for mutual aid from Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue while enroute. The first engine on the scene found fences near houses burning, with the fire spreading east and north. The Port Angeles Police Department evacuated residents in the fire’s path as additional aid was requested from Clallam County Fire Districts #3 and #4.

Officials say they focused on protecting homes along 13th and 14th streets as the fire burned less than 10 feet from structures. Homeowners assisted by wetting down grass along the roadway. Crews established fire lines and contained the blaze after it scorched five acres of grass and brush, and sections of fencing.

No buildings were burned, and no one was hurt. Crews cleared the scene by about nine last night.

The Port Angeles Police Department is investigating the cause.