By Pepper Fisher
PORT ANGELES – The Port Angeles Paraeducators Association has organized a rally and informational picket on Thursday at 4:45pm at the Lincoln Center, where the School Board will be holding their regular meeting.
The paraeducators say they are going to go on strike on April 8 if they don’t get a 3.7% cost-of-living increase that they have asked for repeatedly and that the district has said they can’t afford to offer.
The approximately 135 union members have been in negotiations for a new contract with the school district since last summer and have been working without a contract since Aug. 31.
On Wednesday, we asked Rebecca Winters, the president of the Port Angeles Paraeducators Association, whether she believes that regular teachers will cross their picket line should a paraeducator strike happen.
“The information we’re getting is an overwhelming thumbs up for a majority of teachers will not be crossing the picket line, and are in support of the paraeducators also getting a cost of living.”
It turns out she was right. Later that afternoon, we received notice that members of Port Angeles Education Association voted overwhelmingly to honor picket lines of the Port Angeles Paraeducators Association if the paraeducators go on strike April 8.
“It’s about respect,” said PAEA President John Henry. “We respect our paras and our secretaries, maintenance and custodial staff, and our bus drivers. We just expect the district to respect them as well.” Henry, who has been PAEA President since 2020, has taught math and science at Port Angeles High School since 1992.
Washington Education Association (WEA) Olympic Council President Eric Pickens agreed. Pickens, who is running for state legislature, began his teaching career in 2014 as a first-grade teacher in Port Angeles.
“They’re not asking for anything outrageous,” Pickens added. “All they want is the cost-of-living increase that the legislature has already funded. There’s no reason for the district to deny them that.”