By Pepper Fisher
PORT ANGELES – Back in April, when a driver plowed into a pole near the Port Angeles Boat Haven, it took out the All Hazard Alert Broadcast Siren that was sitting atop it, completely destroying it.
You might think replacing the so-called “tsunami siren”, would be a relatively simple process, but the driver who hit it was not insured, and the replacement cost of the siren and pole is in the vicinity of $45,000. That’s something that was not in the county budget.
Undersheriff Ron Cameron says several agencies worked together to come up with a plan to replace the siren, including Clallam County, The City of Port Angeles, The Port of Port Angeles, The Lower Elwha Tribe and the State of Washington.
In the end, the Washington State Emergency Management Division will foot the lion’s share of the replacement cost, with the above-mentioned local agencies each contributing $2500. In addition, Cameron says Clallam County Emergency Management will also fund the new batteries for the siren.
The sirens throughout the county are where they are for a reason, and the one at the Boat Haven has been missed. Cameron says, during the Great Shakeout in October when the sirens were tested, several people in that area noticed they couldn’t hear a siren.
The State confirmed in a meeting last week that they are working on getting quotes and parts ordered for installation, but a definitive timeline for when the installation will occur has not been set.
(Photo courtesy of Sheriff’s Sgt. John Keegan)