Mr. Brian Baumgartner – Kevin Malone of THE OFFICE! *insert squealing girl noise

The Office.  It’s one of my favorite shows IN the world…and I am not alone.  According to Neilson ratings, in 2020, 57.1 BILLION minutes of The Office were watched.  Billion!  It’s THE MOST WATCHED show on television…ever.  I have always said there are two types of people in this world.  Those who are obsessed with The Office, and those who haven’t seen it.  I mean, how do you not feel every moment of Pam and Jim’s courtship?  Or Angela and Dwights romance?  Or the second you see Michaels face the first time he meets Holly?  The show was made up of characters that captured our hearts and reminded us all of people we actually knew.  I got to talk with one of those characters this morning…Mr. Brian Baumgartner…aka…Kevin Malone.  His new book, which comes out TODAY, is called “Welcome to Dunder Mifflin:  The Ultimate Oral History of The Office.  This book is just begging for you to take it home…that’s what she said.

Here is my interview with the brilliant, Kevin…I mean Brian Baumgartner.