PORT ANGELES – A Port Angeles man was sentenced Thursday to more than 11 years in prison for sexually assaulting a woman who he claimed had stolen his debit card.
43-year-old Sidney Hicklin will serve a minimum of 136 months for the convictions of Rape, Assault by Strangulation, Felony Harassment and Unlawful Imprisonment.
The charges stem from an incident last summer when Hicklin became angry at a female friend after she could not produce his debit card following a trip to a convenience store. After she could not produce the card, Hicklin got on top of the survivor and began to strangle her while questioning her about the card.
Hicklin raped the woman during the assault. She was eventually able to convince Hicklin to stop the assault so she could look in her car for his card or money to give him, and that’s when she escaped and notified police.
During the sentencing hearing, the court heard from a representative of the survivor who told the court she continues to deal with insomnia, nightmares, and fear that prevents her from resuming a normal life.
Hicklin, who will serve over 11 years in prison before he is considered eligible for release, declined to address the court.