Shavel Ludmila/iStock

(NEW YORK) — A Texas mom’s simple breast-pumping hack probably has wowed more than a million parents.

Ashley Newton told Good Morning America that she posted a TikTok video of the trick to help other moms save time and cut down on clean-up.

“It’s a struggle — pumping, nursing and keeping up your supply,” said Newton, who is mom to Eloise, 3, and Jude, 1. “I said, ‘Let me share this. There’s got to be someone who can benefit from this little tip.'”

Here’s the hack: Newton tears the seal off a breast milk storage bag and places it inside the bottom of a baby bottle. She then gently screws on the connectors before pumping directly into the bag.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said germs can quickly grow in breast milk or breast milk residue that remains on pump parts. Parents should contact baby’s health care providers for more recommendations for pumping breast milk safely.

Before expressing or handling breast milk, the CDC recommends proper hand-washing and or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol.

Newton said she makes sure her hands are clean and that her pumping parts are all sanitized.

Many women thanked Newton for her video. Some even said they’ve used this hack before, and Newton admitted she’s likely “not the originator of it.”

Newton said she’s grateful for the community of parents she’s met through social media.

“My goal is to normalize the ugly and messy parts of parenting,” she said. “Pretty feeds are great … but they’re not always real. Comparing can tear you down. It’s been really rewarding in that way.”

Read CDC tips on how to keep pump parts clean, plus proper storage and preparation of breast milk here.

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