SEATTLE (AP) — U.S. Department of Justice attorneys and city officials in Seattle will extend a federal court order that prevented a city ordinance banning the police use of tear gas and less-lethal weapons from being implemented.

A temporary restraining order was set to expire Sunday, but was extended through Sept. 18 while DOJ and city officials review the ordinance. Their decision could impact police reforms undertaken in 2011 after police officers were accused of routinely using excessive force. The judge has asked for briefing on the issue later this month.

Meanwhile in Portland, Oregon…Police and protesters clashed for the second night in a row Wednesday and the city’s police chief says the ongoing violence is hurting the city’s image.

Clashes outside a U.S. courthouse in Portland largely stopped since Gov. Kate Brown reached a deal that called for the draw-down of federal agents.

Since that time, a large fence the agents installed around the courthouse is still there and city officials say it remains illegal. The city of Portland continues to impose a $500 fine every 15 minutes for the fence. As of noon Wednesday, the fine hit $584,000.