
PORT ANGELES – The 26th annual National Public Lands Day is this Saturday, September 28, and that means there will be no charge to visit Olympic National Park.

In fact, people can visit any of the National Park System’s more than 400 sites in the country for free. The U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will all waive entrance and parking fees tomorrow, and Washington State Parks will also waive its Discover Pass fees for the day.

Since its inception, National Public Lands Day has been the nation’s largest, single-day volunteer event for public lands.

There are planned volunteer events throughout the country, such as site cleanups and trail maintenance, although no such events are planned at Olympic National Park, who’s website and Facebook pages don’t even mention that tomorrow is a free day.

The National Park Service’s next free day is scheduled for Saturday, November 9 in honor of Veteran’s Day.

ONP photo: Olympic marmots