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8th Street Refurb Project in PA


PORT ANGELES – The City of Port Angeles has begun a resurfacing of 8th Street.

The project involves repaving 8th Street between Lincoln and “A” Streets and resurfacing the 8th Street Bridges. Officials say in addition to extending the roadway’s service life, the reconfiguration will introduce new bike lanes in both directions, connecting to existing routes on Lincoln Street and the bridges. Pedestrian upgrades will include new sidewalk curb ramps and Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) buttons at Cherry and Pine Streets, ensuring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

City Manager Nathan West says the project design was shaped by community input from a survey trying to balance the addition of bike lanes. And West says they’re trying to keep as much street parking available as possible.

“We listened closely to public feedback. A survey was conducted, and much of the response focused on parking. For that reason, we are committed to a multi-modal corridor. Currently, there are 57 parking spaces, and we have found a way to still have 52,” West told Newsradio KONP.

Funding comes from a $1.67 million grant awarded by the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board.

Work starts with ADA curb ramp installations on Monday, with partial intersection closures. Nighttime closures of 8th Street are anticipated in mid-May, followed by daytime closures of the 8th Street Bridges in late May or early June.