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Port Angeles Coast Guard crew responds to mayday call from boaters


US Coast Guard helicopter. Photo by Jay Cline


San Juan Islands – U.S. Coast Guard rescue crews from Port Angeles and Bellingham pulled two boaters from the water and their disabled sailboat near the San Juan Islands Monday, but sadly a woman lost her life.

The mission started around 7 p.m. when the captain sent out a mayday call saying the boat was drifting toward land.

A helicopter from Air Station Port Angeles and a boat crew from Station Bellingham answered the call.

Despite the 25 to 35 mph winds and rough seas, they tried to rescue the boaters, but the boat ran aground.

Coast Guard officials said the mast collapsed and the only way to reach the people was by lowering a rescue swimmer. The swimmer brought up a 56-year-old man and handed him over to the rescue boat.

Shortly after, an unconscious woman was found in the water and taken to the rescue boat. The crew performed CPR until paramedics took over and drove to St. Joseph Medical Center in Bellingham.

Despite efforts to save the woman, she was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The man and a Coast Guard member, injured during the rescue, were also taken to the hospital.

The Coast Guard member was released later that night.

The condition of the man was not released.