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City of PA to pilot apartment complex type project to spur housing


PORT ANGELES – Port Angeles is ramping up efforts to tackle its housing crisis with a series of new initiatives aimed at long-term solutions. As part of its 2025-2026 Strategic Plan, the city plans to update its Comprehensive Housing Action Plan by June 2025, incorporating a Housing Needs Assessment and Land Capacity Analysis to guide development for the next 20 years.

City Manager Nathan West announced plans to pilot a multifamily housing project to increase housing density and attract private developers to build a new apartment complex by 2026.

“You need an example, and a recent example on the ground of that success to demonstrate that project. The city has identified what is called the ‘Housing Pilot Project’. We have built that into our Capital facilities plan and we now, through this new strategic plan, have the goal of seeing it finished in entirety by 2026,” West told Newsradio KONP’s “Todd Ortloff Show”.

West says things are still vague right now as to location and size of the pilot project.

“We have not picked a site, we haven’t selected one, but we’re going to be working in that direction and basically, the city will lead this project. My hope is that we lead it in partnership with others in the community, and we’ve seen some amazing partnerships that’s relative to housing.”

West also says the city will implement a base utility rate for vacant homes and add fees for undeveloped parcels to encourage property development and leasing.

West says the new initiatives build on recent zoning changes that allow higher-density housing and conversions from commercial to residential use. Additionally, Port Angeles has eased permitting rules for accessory dwelling units and manufactured homes, lowered lot size requirements, and removed restrictions to create more affordable housing options.

The city has waived building permit fees and utilized grants to support up to 71 new units, with further funding from community enhancement and tax grants.