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Thieves break in and rappel into Carlsborg hardware store


SEQUIM – Clallam County Sheriff’s officials are investigating two related business burglaries in Sequim.

Early Saturday, two suspects broke into Sequim Ace Hardware on Valley Center Way. They climbed a ladder to the roof, broke through an HVAC vent, and rappelled inside. The alarm triggered, and deputies responded.

One suspect was startled by the alarm and took two items while the other retracted the ladder. The second suspect broke in through the front door with an axe, stealing two Stihl backpack blowers and a DeWalt cordless fan.

Witnesses reported hearing loud noises and seeing two males running to a car parked nearby. The suspects sped off towards Hooker Road.

The first suspect, a white male with a beard, wore a gray hoodie with a circular emblem, dark pants, and white/black shoes. The second suspect wore a dark hoodie, black backpack, tan pants, and possibly a stocking cap.

The manager believes the same suspects targeted the store on July 16. Also, that same day, a delivery driver found the gate at Keller Supplies on Dorothea Way open with the padlock cut. A Kenworth box truck was stolen and later used to transport stolen goods from Ace Hardware.