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WSDOT opens public comment site on upcoming 101 projects


PORT ANGELES – Community members are invited to participate in an online open house to learn more about improvements on Highway 101 in Clallam County.

Beginning today, the Washington State Department of Transportation is inviting the public to share feedback about proposed improvements on US 101. Two separate projects will re-pave two segments of 101: East Kolonels Way to Shore Road in Port Angeles and Kitchen-Dick Road to Simdars Road in Sequim.

The two paving projects were subject to a Complete Streets review. The Complete Streets program provides a way to make roads safer for people who walk, cycle, roll and use transit, and for vehicles.

The two paving projects are expected to begin construction in 2025.

Information about the proposed improvements is available online 24/7 for people to visit and leave comments now through Aug. 5, and we’ve included the links you’ll need along with this story on our website at

Free WiFi access is available to people who need it at the Port Angeles Main Library on Peabody Street, and the Sequim Library’s  temporary location at 609 W. Washington Street.