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Developers of Seabrook coastal village proposing new project at John Wayne Marina


By Pepper Fisher

Sequim – One of the more beautiful places to live on the Washington coast is the planned community of Seabrook in Grays Harbor County. Now the developers of that community, Casey and Laura Roloff, are planning a much smaller project at John Wayne Marina in Sequim.

While still in the early planning stages, they are inviting residents to a meet and greet at the Marina on Monday, April 22 and Tuesday, April 23, to learn more about what they want to do and answer questions. The time on Monday is 4-6:00pm, and on Tuesday from 10-11:00am.

The 160-acre John Wayne Marina property is within the City of Sequim city limits, while the marina and the building that houses the Sequim Yacht Club and the Dockside Grill, are operated by the Port of Port Angeles. The property has been zoned for a planned resort community for many years and on the market for sale. It is still owned by John Wayne’s heirs.

Sequim City Manager Matt Huish said in an email that the City was aware of the potential development, but has not received a permit application for the project.

He said there would be a public process for this development, just as there is for any development in the City.

(Photo shows shaded area of proposed project)