
PORT ANGELES – A local organization that helps those with developmental disabilities obtain and keep their housing has received a state grant.

Olympic Peninsula Extended Needs Housing (OPEN Housing) has been awarded $911,131 through Washington Department of Commerce’s Housing Trust Fund 2023 Multifamily Housing Unit (MHU) Multifamily Rental Projects Funding Opportunity. OPEN will use the money to provide safe, secure, sustainable housing for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) who are residents of Clallam County.

OPEN Housing was born of a dream of parents of family members with disabilities and other community members, who came together in 2016 to create the non-profit organization locally.

According to the Department of Commerce, the lack of affordable housing and sufficient supportive housing options for vulnerable populations are top contributors to chronic homelessness. It is estimated that over 1.1 million new housing units must be added across Washington state over the next 20 years to meet projected needs at all income levels.