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Public comment sought on man-made log jam project on Elwha River


PORT ANGELES – Now that work has begun on replacing the Elwha Bridge on Highway 101 west of Port Angeles, there’s a plan to construct 12 engineered log jams – structures designed to mimic natural river dynamics, downriver from the project, to ensure healthy salmon habitat.

Olympic National Park is seeking public input on the environmental assessment for that proposal. A portion of the project is being constructed on lands temporarily administered by Olympic National Park. These lands are not within the established park boundary but were legislated to the Park under the so-called “Elwha Act” of 1992 for purposes related to dam removal and restoration efforts.

More information about this project is available on the Planning, Environment and Public Comment website (here). Click “Open for Comment” and follow the links to review the document and submit a comment.

Comments will be accepted from Sunday, October 22 through November 22. There are no scheduled public meetings. Comments will not be accepted by phone or email.

The information obtained during this public review period will be used to make any final edits to the environmental assessment. The decision document for this environmental assessment is anticipated to be released this winter.