PORT ANGELES – The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe plans to fish for salmon in the Elwha River for the first time since two dams were removed.
State and Tribal leaders announced a ceremonial and subsistence fishery for Coho salmon will happen for the Tribe this fall.
The Tribe had agreed with state and federal agencies to not fish from the river when the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams were removed. The freeze was intended to help salmon runs rebuild. Historic Elwha salmon runs dwindled due to the century-old dams’ blockage of upstream spawning areas.
The Tribe plans to fish the lower three miles of the river in October with a mix of handheld gear and river nets. Nets will be limited to spanning half the river. Officials say the timing is designed to minimize impacts to non-target species, particularly federally listed Chinook salmon and steelhead.
As for reopening the river to fishing in general, the Tribe and federal and state fish and wildlife agencies will continue to monitor salmon data. They say recreational and commercial fishing will only resume when there is broad distribution of spawning adults above the former dam sites, among other data points.