PORT HADLOCK, Wash. – Things did not go well for a suspected car thief in Port Hadlock last week.
On Sunday afternoon, February 26, Jefferson County Deputy Dean Murray was patrolling Port Hadlock when he recognized a vehicle parked at a familiar address. The address was familiar because stolen property from Clallam County had already been recovered there on a previous search warrant.
The vehicle Deputy Murray spotted looked exactly like the Subaru Legacy that had been reported stolen three days prior from a Highway 20 address. The only difference was the color, because a man was in the middle of painting the car with a can of spray paint.
Deputy Murray asked him about the car, and he told him he had just purchased the vehicle on Craigslist for “a couple hundred bucks.”
The suspect was soon arrested and a search warrant was obtained Wednesday for the house. Property belonging to the victim of the car theft was found in the house.
The investigation is ongoing.
(JCSO photo)