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Robin Hill Farm County Park closes during cleanup of storm damage


Robin Hill Farm sign, Photo by Jay Cline


CLALLAM COUNTY – Clallam County Park officials announced Monday they have closed most of Robin Hill Farm County Park following the recent substantial tree blowdown due to storms, which have left the park trail system unsafe and largely impassible.

County Parks Staff has closed Robin Hill except for the Olympic Discovery Trail easement that bisects the park’s southern end. ODT users should be aware of debris on the ODT and stay on the established asphalt trail surface.

Don Crawford, Director of Clallam County Parks, Fair & Facilities, requests that the public remains out of Robin Hill Farm Park proper until the storm-related hazards have been mitigated, probably late February.

During the closure, the public will see trucks and equipment coming and going from the park to aid in selective hazard tree removals. Precarious conditions are scattered throughout the park, and only a portion of the trees are marketable.

The rest will either be utilized for county park cordwood or left on the ground. After the park’s trail reopens, trail restoration will continue throughout next summer, concluding with a volunteer tree planting in late October 2023.