
By Pepper Fisher

PORT ANGELES – Sgt. John Keegan of the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office announced on Friday that the 41-year-old son of one of the victims of a double homicide in Port Angeles in February has been charged with their murders.

On February 24th, 2022, deputies responded to what was reported to be a fatal car accident on Wild Currant Way in Port Angeles. After examining the scene, investigators determined that the man and woman in the vehicle, 60-year-old Clay Haltom and 43-year-old Bryana Pressler, were victims of homicide. Both had been shot in the back of the head.

Keegan reports that items at the scene showed that Clay’s son, Christopher L.
Haltom, may have been present in the vehicle at the time of the murders. Haltom was located a short time later in the direction of items left behind by the suspect. Haltom was arrested and booked into the Clallam County Correctional Facility on outstanding unrelated warrants.

Based on the evidence collected at the scene and during the investigation, detectives with Clallam County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Bureau (CIB), developed
probable cause that Christopher Haltom was solely responsible for Clay and Bryana’s

On November 23rd detectives with CIB added 2 counts of 1st degree Murder to
Christopher Haltom’s current charges. The investigation is on-going.