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15th Annual Breakfast with Santa is BACK!


The 15th Annual KONP Breakfast with Santa is BACK in full swing this year!  Due to pandemic restrictions, we have not been able to put on this event since 2019.

This year, our PRESENTING SPONSORS are Peninsula Bottling, Olympic Game Farm, and Leitz Farm Supply!

Winners will receive 4 tickets to Breakfast with Santa, Saturday, December 3rd.  Breakfast that day is provided by our friends at Kokopelli Grill in Port Angeles!  All children will be entered to win one of our MANY gifts AT the breakfast.  The Breakfast will be held at The Port Angeles Senior Center.

Entry is open to children 8 and under.  One of the 4 tickets must be used for an adult.  Winners will be drawn and notified on Monday, November 28th so get your entry in NOW at one of our many sponsor locations.  No entries will be accepted at the Radio Station or at the event.  Entry boxes are out now at the locations listed below:

Swains, Leitz Farm Supply, Olympic Game Farm, Anime Kat, Fogtown Coffee, Dungeness Kids Company, Angeles Millwork, Hartnagels, Allure Cosmetology School in Port Angeles, Shirleys Café, Foghorn Olive Oil, Jim’s Pharmacy, Grandview Grocery, Lairds Corner Market, Carlsborg Shell station, Laurel Lanes, Dominoes Port Angeles, Browns Outdoor,  and AR Workshop.  

Thank you also to our Participating Sponsors:

Olympic Peninsula Title, Swains General Store, Anime Kat, Fogtown Coffee, Dungeness Kids company, Allure Cosmetology School in Port Angeles, Foghorn Olive Oil, Shirley’s Café,  Jim’s Pharmacy, Angeles Millwork, Hartnagels, Dominos Port Angeles, Browns Outdoor, AR Workshop.

We couldn’t do it without you!