PORT ANGELES – On Saturday, September 24 Olympic National Park and the Friends of Olympic National Park will host two volunteer events. One project will remove invasive plants. The other is to plant native species in the national park’s headquarters district.
Both events take place on National Public Lands Day, the nation’s largest single-day volunteer effort on public lands, and members of the public are invited to join in.
From 9 until noon this Saturday, the Friends of Olympic National Park will lead volunteers in planting native plant species in the areas surrounding the historic Macy House, which was home to Olympic National Park’s first superintendent, Preston Macy.
Also on September 24, Olympic National Park will host a volunteer event to remove invasive plants surrounding the park’s visitor center. National Park rangers will lead volunteer groups starting at 10 am and 1 pm.
Participants should dress for the weather, bring work gloves, and plan to volunteer for about 90 minutes to two hours total. Some work gloves are available for use during the event.
Both groups will meet at the Olympic National Park Visitor Center, 3002 Mount Angeles Road.
Volunteers at either event will receive National Public Lands Day passes good for one day of free entrance to participating public lands sites, including national parks.
By the way, entrance fees for Olympic National Park and every other National Park will be waived Saturday for National Public Lands Day.
(ONP photo of past volunteers)