By Pepper Fisher
PORT ANGELES – There’s been an arrest in the case of the emergency room doctor that was the cause of Olympic Medical Center suddenly changing the company that manages their ER facility.
39-year-old Josiah Hill turned himself in to police Wednesday after Superior Court Judge Brent Basden issued an arrest warrant for 1 count of Rape in the Second Degree and 3 counts of Indecent Liberties. Special allegations include Health Care Provider and Vulnerable Victim.
Detective Sgt. Kori Malone with the Port Angeles Police Department says the investigation began in April when a woman reported being sexually assaulted while in the emergency room.
“That began the investigation. In the course of the investigation, three additional adult females, unrelated, have also made reported being sexually assaulted while in the emergency room receiving care from that same doctor. Those charges are related to three of the four victims. The fourth allegation is still under active investigation.”
Sgt. Malone says all four of the women came forth independently and all four identified the same doctor as the suspect. The investigation has so far included numerous search warrants and interviews. PAPD Detectives are also in communication with Washington State Department of Health investigators.
Hill is sitting in the Clallam County jail on $1 million bail and is expected to make his first appearance in Superior Court on Friday.
He is listed on several medical websites as having graduated with honors from University of South Florida in 2017, specializing in emergency medicine including heart attack, drug overdose, shock, and massive bleeding.
When we broke the story on June 15 that OMC was changing its ER services provider on short notice when the contract expired at the end of the month, none of the nurses and other personnel who work in the ER department knew why the sudden change was happening with no notice. Hospital staff expressed deep concerns at that night’s regular Board meeting.
Two days later, a special public meeting was held to give the Board the chance to explain that the sudden move was forced upon them because of allegations leveled against an unnamed ER doctor. Few other details were provided at the time.
Anyone with information regarding this investigation is asked to contact the Port Angeles Police Department Detective Division, at 360-452-4545. Det. Corporal Erik Smith and Detective Swift Sanchez are the lead Detectives.
Sgt. Malone requested we include these resource/advocacy options for victims/survivors.
Forks-Mariposa House 360-374-6411
Jamestown S’Kallam Tribe 360-681-5601
Lower Elwha Family Advocacy 360-565-7257