PORT ANGELES – Olympic National Park plans to rehab its busiest trail system for overnight wilderness use.
The park is seeking public input on the proposed rehabilitation of the Cape Alava and Sand Point trails located within the park’s Ozette area. The trails access each end of a 3-mile section of beach creating a 9-mile triangular wilderness hike, starting from the Lake Ozette Trailhead. Much of the trail features boardwalks, and park officials say most of those areas are in poor condition. The park is proposing a no-action alternative to continue current management, replacing the boardwalk in-kind, or converting non-wetland sections of the boardwalk to a series of ground-level wood boxes filled with gravel and soil.
More information about this project and the preliminary alternative concepts is available at the National Park Service’s Planning, Environment and Public Comment website at https://parkplanning.nps.gov/OzetteTrails. Comments may be submitted directly on this site by clicking on “Open for Comment” and can be submitted through April 26th.