Chris Rock is never known to hold his tongue, so when an alleged apology for his Oscar night dig at Jada Pinkett-Smith started making the rounds online, it raised some eyebrows.
However, a rep for the Emmy winner had a one-word comment about it to ABC Audio: “Fake.”
The ersatz apology read in part, “Last night I crossed a line I shouldn’t have an paid an enormous price as a renown [sic] comedian. Comedy is never about poking fun or making lite [sic] of people with major ordeals happening in their lives”
In addition to apologizing to Jada for Chris’ “disrespect and disregard,” the phony message ended with “I hope that with time, forgiveness can come of this situation and we can all be better, more considerate people in the end.”
If that doesn’t sound like the guy behind the mic during acclaimed specials like Bring the Pain, you’re right.
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