By Pepper Fisher
SEQUIM — Some healthcare and long-term care workers in Sequim are planning to walk off the job at noon on Wednesday and rally downtown in protest of Governor Inslee’s announcement this week that they, along with all state employees, must show proof of vaccination by October 18 or lose their jobs.
The rally is being organized by Amy (first name only), who works in a dental clinic. She says, for her, this is about more than just the Governor’s vaccine mandate.
“It doesn’t even necessarily have to be, because I think when it comes to the vaccine, it’s a no-win battle to have a conversation with people. It really is just about people’s right to choose what goes into their body. I don’t think that we should be forced to do something that we’re not comfortable doing yet. I mean, I just think…I just think it’s wrong. I do.”
Amy says her employer fully supports the move and her reasons for doing it.
“He support everyone’s individual right to healthcare autonomy, and that includes patients and employees. You’re giving people no choice. You’re taking away people’s right to choose what goes in into their body, and he does not agree with that.”
She believes the idea of a walkout is spreading fast throughout the state and, based on conversations she’s had with others in the industry, might very well happen in Port Angeles next as well.
“You know, we don’t have a union that’s going to back us. We have to go out and do the work for this. So, I’m speaking for, you know, not just on behalf of medical professionals, but somebody has to stand up for them and it might as well be me.”