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Nathan Fillion gives new meaning to “arms control” as TDK in new clip from 'The Suicide Squad'

Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/™ & © DC Comics

(NOTE LANGUAGE) Lots of virtual ink has been spent on fan speculation that with a name only listed as TDK, Nathan Fillion would be playing The Dark Knight AKA Batman in the upcoming sequel The Suicide Squad

However, fanboys and girls, you can put your hands down. Or, more accurately, your arms: with a new clip posted exclusively to IGN’s YouTube channel, it has been revealed that TDK actually stands for The Detachable Kid — a low-tier DC Comics hero who can detach his limbs and use them independent of his torso. 

In the scene from Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn‘s forthcoming film, the Suicide Squad members, including Joel Kinnaman‘s Rick Flag and Margot Robbie‘s Harley Quinn, are under fire, and the order goes out to deploy TDK. 

In that instant, Fillion strikes a heroic pose, and his arms indeed pop off, and float over to the bad guys, and proceed to basically just annoy them. 

“What the f***?!” Harley says in disbelief. “I didn’t pick the damn team!” Flag replies in his defense.

A while back, Fillion, who has appeared in nearly every Gunn-directed film in some form, had some fun with the online speculation. He falsely boasted to ABC Audio that not only was he playing The Dark Knight, but that previous Batmen WestKeatonKilmerClooney, and Bale need to take a seat. “I’m gonna go update my Wikipedia page as well, to make sure everybody knows that I played The Dark Knight. Some say the best, I don’t know who’s saying it. I’ll just say, ‘Whatever guys, you be the judge.'”  

The Suicide Squad also stars Viola DavisJohn CenaIdris ElbaMichael Rooker, and Sylvester Stallone as the voice of King Shark. The film opens August 6.

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