By Pepper Fisher
SEQUIM – An iconic Sequim business has a new owner. Jennifer Gillmor, who owns an RV park in Forks but splits her time between Utah and the northwest, has just purchased Purple Haze Lavender Farm.
Established in the 90s by Mike Reichner and his previous partner, Gillmor takes on a company that has grown to include not only the 12 acre farm with some 15,000 plants, but also a retail store in downtown Sequim and an enormous online sales branch.
New to the lavender business, Gillmor says it’s a lot to absorb, but feels up to the task.
“Yes, most definitely. It’s a little overwhelming just now as we transition. There’s a lot of moving parts, but we’re really excited to be here.”
The Reichners themselves won’t exactly be riding off into the sunset just yet, but have pledged to help Gillmor through the transition.
“I pledged to spend a lot of time with her, you know, kind of mentoring her through this whole process, because it is a large process. I’m not going to be tied to her belt or anything, but I’ll give her some advice and walk her through the stuff but, you know, so many things are in place, Pepper, so many things are just turnkey, that I don’t really have to do anything.”
Reichner says that’s due largely to the fact that his full-time staff of 4 will be staying on, most importantly his farm manager of over 20 years, Jose Franco.
“Jose and her and I were standing there and she said, ‘You know, Jose. Are you going to stay on?’ He said, ‘Yeah, I’ll stay on for a few years.’ She said, ‘Because if you’re not, you’re the deal breaker. If you don’t stay, I don’t buy’.”
Gillmor says she no intention of making any major adjustments any time soon.
“For the foreseeable future, we don’t plan to change much. It is a remarkably diverse farm and until I get to know it better, I’m going to go with tried-and-true. I’m looking forward to getting to know my crew and…yeah, to really fun days ahead.”
Gillmor says she’s been asked a lot whether she’s planning to host this summer’s Purple Haze Days event.
“I think it’s still a little too early to make that call. We certainly will be open. As to whether or not we will resume with the Purple Haze Daze of yore, stay tuned.”
(Photo from Purple Haze Facebook page.)