
Lake Sutherland wake-boat use to be revisited –
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Lake Sutherland wake-boat use to be revisited


PORT ANGELES – A virtual town hall is still planned to discuss wake board boat issues at Lake Sutherland, but county commissioners will talk more about the issue first.

Lake Sutherland became a hot topic after county commissioners received numerous complaints this fall about boats making large wakes, potentially damaging property, and injuring people.

Other lake users countered the problem isn’t as bad and new regulations are not necessary.

Commissioner Bill Peach, who’s district includes the lake, says he’s still meeting with people on both sides of the issue.

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“I am meeting with both sides. I just want to understand. I believe both have actually offered the idea of trying to find some middle ground. What that is and, for me, what’s really important is how do we enforce it? It has to be enforceable.”

Peach says plans for a town hall are still in the works, probably in the next month or so. He says commissioners will talk January 25th in a work session about next steps.

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“I’ve had a chance to meet personally with some of the people that oppose wake boats. And next week, I’ll be meeting with people that are in favor. I’ve done quite a bit of research. So I’m looking forward to a constructive conversation on the 25th.

Peach, and the two other commissioners, hope the users at the lake can come up with an agreement and avoid an official ordinance being drafted.