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Border agents and Mounties nab smugglers and $2M in drugs

U.S. Border Patrol agents stationed at Bonners Ferry, Idaho seized over $2 million worth of narcotics from five duffle bags abandoned near the Idaho-Canadian border.

Agents were given a tip of suspicious activity Friday on a remote forest service road near the Canadian border. That’s where an agent found two people hiding.

When the agent approached them, they fled into Canada.

The agent found five duffle bags near where they were hiding. The duffle bags had 84 pounds of cocaine and 198 pounds of meth.

U.S. Border Patrol says the value of that much cocaine is about $1.2 million; the meth is worth about $960,000.

Border Patrol told Idaho State Police another suspect in the area also fled in a dark-colored Range Rover.

ISP found the suspected vehicle on Highway 95. The driver was taken into custody.

The two individuals who ran into Canada were taken into custody by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.