JEFFERSON COUNTY – The Jefferson County Board of Health last night approved the immediate opening of all camping in their county, including state, Forest Service and Olympic National Park campgrounds. County Commissioner Greg Brotherton tells us that doesn’t mean you should throw your gear into the car for some weekend camping in Jefferson County just yet, as it will take a few days or so to get things ready for the public.
“We’ll start opening, I think it’s going to take probably till next week for the County campgrounds to be open. But yeah, we’re moving forward with it.”
We reached out to Anna Gill with Washington State Parks who told us they plan to open Fort Worden, Fort Flagler, Fort Townsend and Dosewallips all on Tuesday June 23.
As for Olympic National Park…
“Yeah, we got a note from the Superintendent Sarah Creachbaum and we are going to do a little more exploration to make sure that there’s no objection from the tribes, but they are planning to open the Queets, North Fork and Graves Creek Campground and also a loop in the Hoh.”
Brotherton says you should check the Jefferson County Parks and recreation web page(here) for exact opening dates.
The Board of Health last night also approved advancing into Phase 3 of the state’s Safe Start plan. Brotherton says the County Council was to hold a special meeting today and was expected to approve submitting that application to the state on June 29.