
PORT ANGELES – It’s still too early to say what public school in the Port Angeles School District will look like next year, but school officials hope to have a decision by the end of this month.

To that end, the District is assembling a 50-person workgroup comprised of teachers, students, community members, and others to gather input and ideas. They’ve also posted an online survey (click here) to give parents a chance to weigh in on what’s working and what isn’t during the shutdown. The survey will only be available until 5:00 pm on June 10.

Also, a virtual community forum will be held on June 24 at 6pm. District Communications Coordinator Jennifer Sperline says specific information on how to join that forum will be announced soon.

State officials have provided little or no guidance so far, though State Superintendent Chris Reykdal posted a video on May 25 saying they’ve assembled a similar workgroup to discuss statewide issues.

Options being discussed include opening school with social distancing, staggered attendance at different hours, and hybrid models that are part-online, part in-school learning.

Again, the District’s goal is to make a decision by June 30th regarding next school year. That plan will then be presented to the PASD Board for approval in July.