
OLYMPIA — Gov. Inslee announced today that the state’s stay-at-home order will be extended through at least May 31

He said there will be a four-stage phase-in for lifting of restrictions, with a minimum of three weeks between each phase, though he said some counties with lower numbers of cases and deaths may be able to open parts of their economy sooner if approved by the Department of Health.

Inslee said Phase 1 is where we are now, but added that retail sales with curbside pickup, automobile sales and car washes will be allowed by May 15.

Phase 2, when it arrives, will allow gatherings of 5 people and will include things like new construction, restaurants at 50% capacity and tables of up to 5 people, camping, in-store retail sales, as well as salons, barber shops and pet grooming.

Phase 3 would expand gatherings to 50 people or less, restaurants at 75% capacity, bars at 25% capacity, and gyms, swimming pools and movie theaters at 50% capacity. Libraries, museums and government buildings could also reopen.

Phase 4 would open businesses such as nightclubs and allow gatherings of more than 50 people with social distancing.