
ABC/Lou Rocco(NEW YORK) — With no audiences and then stay-at-home orders in New York City, late night shows are adapting to keep us laiughing amid the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.

Three episodes into his The Daily Social Distancing Show, Trevor Noah’s digital substitute for Comedy Central’s The Daily Show will air weeknights on the cable channel in the show’s usual 11 p.m. ET spot. In response to the production shutdown of all late-night shows at the end of last week amid the escalating COVID-19 pandemic, Noah, has joined other hosts, including Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon, in providing online versions their respective shows.  Fallon and Colbert have already migrated to TV. The Daily Social Distancing Show with Trevor Noah features Trevor and his team reporting from their homes.

Seth Meyers is joining the list of late night hosts filming online editions of their shows at home. Meyers will return with editions of his popular “A Closer Look” segments from NBC’s Late Night, according to Deadline

Meyers first tested out the idea after having to cancel his March 13 episode after the scheduled guests canceled at the last moment amid growing fears over the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, he delivered that night’s “A Closer Look”, which had already been written, on YouTube.  The clip amassed almost four million views in less than a week.  New clips will be released two-three times a week on Late Night’s YouTube channel.

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